Thank you for helping us “Celebrate Life”! To be a “One-time” Donor simply fill in information below. To become a “Monthly” Donor click “Make this Gift Recurring” under Purpose of Donation. Follow the prompts to set-up your account. Every dollar supports our pro-life ministry to save babies and give their mothers hope for a brighter future. Here are a few examples of how your donations helps change lives.
- $25 – Pregnant mom’s wellness package
- $50 – Monthly nutrition for mom & baby
- $75 – Diapers for a month for a baby in our Maternity Home
- $100 – Labor & Delivery needs for mom & baby
- $500 – Education Grant to empower a mom to be self-sufficient
Over 60 million babies have been murdered since the Roe v Wade decision on January 22, 1973. During the time it takes you to read this letter-five babies, unique & innocent, will be murdered in child-killing centers in America. Please help us stop the carnage! Send your life-saving donation today!

We have a huge need for our Maternity Home pantry!
Here's the LINK to Shop from our Amazon Wish List:
Wish List: Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, Diapers (all sizes, especially size 3, 4, 5 & 6), Wipes, Laundry Detergent, Lysol Spray & Disinfectant Wipes, Furniture Polish, 13 Gallon Trash Bags, 2 Gallon Freezer Zip Lock Bags, Wet Swiffer Gain Scent, Microfiber Cleaning Cloths, Dishwasher Pods or Liquid, Body Wash, Deodorant, Windex, Pine Sol, Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Pedialyte Sport, Bottled Water, Community Coffee, Copy Paper, plus Grocery or Office Supply Gift Cards are always welcomed!
Have items shipped or bring your gifts to our office: 1331 Jefferson Street in Lafayette, M-TH between 8:30am - 4:30pm. For questions call: 337.289.9366