About Us

Praise and Thanks be to God.

Thanks to our supporters for making it possible to give young pregnant women help and hope.

Call us at 337-289-9366 or 877-8-4WOMEN (toll free) for details:
Or Click DONATE Below:


The DesOrmeaux Foundation needs your help today.

All of the funds raised by The DesOrmeaux Foundation remain local, are tax deductible, and are used for our mission of helping mothers and saving babies!

The Louisiana Pro-Life Coalition announces the formation of a Congressional Probe to investigate abortion facilities in Louisiana and across the nation.

“You knew me before I was born.” Psalm 139:13-16

“This is a way to help these young women get back on their feet and give them hope for a brighter future”, said Brenda DesOrmeaux, President of the organization. “We help them to understand that they can reach their dreams and give their baby life too,” she said.

The St. Marguerite D’Youville Home for Homeless, Pregnant Mothers

We are so excited to share with you our home for homeless pregnant women in need. The home, located in Lafayette, welcomes homeless pregnant moms, and in some cases, those with small children.

The home offers the following services:

    1. Provides women with a peaceful, secure setting, while helping them process their needs, their emotions, and their choices.
    2. Avails them with access to educational, medical, and professional resources to help them move ahead with their life with renewed hope.
    3. Offers spiritual guidance to women of all faiths.
    4. Provides a place for reflection and re-direction of their lives as they look to the future with renewed hope.


    The DesOrmeaux Foundation has five ministries:

    1. The Women’s Center
    2. St. Marguerite d’Youville Maternity Home
    3. Baby and Me Boutique
    4. MiMi’s Attic
    5. Theology of the Body Community of Acadiana

    The ministries help mothers and mothers-to-be gain hope and confidence for their future by providing emotional and physical support at a difficult time in their lives.





We have a huge need for our Maternity Home pantry!

Here's the LINK to Shop from our Amazon Wish List: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/38TUNFKEAEQF5?ref_=wl_share

Wish List: Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, Diapers (all sizes, especially size 3, 4, 5 & 6), Wipes, Laundry Detergent, Lysol Spray & Disinfectant Wipes, Furniture Polish, 13 Gallon Trash Bags, 2 Gallon Freezer Zip Lock Bags, Wet Swiffer Gain Scent,  Microfiber Cleaning Cloths, Dishwasher Pods or Liquid, Body Wash, Deodorant, Windex, Pine Sol, Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Pedialyte Sport, Bottled Water, Community Coffee, Copy Paper, plus Grocery or Office Supply Gift Cards are always welcomed!

 Have items shipped or bring your gifts to our office: 1331 Jefferson Street in Lafayette, M-TH between 8:30am - 4:30pm. For questions call:  337.289.9366



For More Information or for an Appointment, Please Call

(337) 289-9366



Our Mission

The Desormeaux Foundation, Inc is dedicated to defending human life at all stages of development, born and unborn. That is, the infant in the womb, the elderly, the handicapped, the homeless and all who are threatened by our present culture of death.